
Tango de Salon:

A classical type of a partner dance where the two people become one as they dance to the rhythms of tango music.

In its most traditional styles, tango de salon originated in very crowded places, where the couple had to do lots of turns as they were not able to walk forward.

It requires a strong connection with the partner, accuracy, precision, and most importantly elegance, and fluidity.

Dancers of Tango de Salon are known to treat themselves and others with respect. This means they respect the Traditional Codes of Tango, and the dance floor.

Tango de Salon requires high levels of precision, therefore, dancers do not attempt to drink except to socialize and mix.

After all, Tango is considered a social dance, where people dance and socialize. Therefore, in Tango de Salon milongas and practicas, the emphasis is on socializing, and feeling part of a community. 

Tango Practilonga

If you are new to tango and it is difficult to meet people who would like to also dance with you and learn with you, or if you want to practice something you have learned in a class, if you do not want the serious milonga environment, and tango lessons are too serious for you, or you do not like to go there alone, then a practilonga is a good place to start.

The focus is to meet each other, dance and learn while dancing. There will be tango music from a playlist, without cortinas (Breaks), and based on the level of the group you will be introduced to some things to enrich your tango. Tango Professionals are available for questions / suggestions.

The setting is relaxed and friendly, and you are free to bring something to share with others like food and drink, and the cost is based on how much you can afford.  Typically, it is a bit more expensive than a milonga due to the professionals available.

Upcoming events:

What: Tango Seminar

When: October 14, 2023

Where:  Tangotanzen macht schöne