
We are happy to use this website to advertise our gifts that we are willing and looking forward to give to you and those you love. This website is not associated with any one location, as we offer our services where we find space and availability.


If tango was a language then walking would be the words in which we speak and figures would be the phrases that we make up.

If tango movements connect the bodies, then breathing connects the souls. The art of Tantric connection is fundamental to tango.

Quality, precision, technique, elegance, leading and following are basic elements of Tango de Salon.

You can only dance tango if you appreciate and feel the music. Can you actually be affected? Can you share the loneliness of immigrants, the suffering of those who loved, those who lost their homes, and jobs, and even their loved ones.


Release of previous life trauma, tension, discomfort, and pain, gradually through the practice of yoga. Let the yoga practice do you, instead of you trying to do yoga.

Establish a connection with your breath, and ultimately with your higher self, aligning your movements with your breaths, and let us practice together the art of Vinyassa Flow yoga.

Let every breath, every movement be conscious of you, your space, your loved ones, your community, city, country, & the entire universe.

Be present, mindfulness, still, dedicated, to reach higher goals of not just more flexibility in the mind and the body, but also on the core believe system. Allow yourself to get closer to the nothingness out of which all arises and subsides.